Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We are resting!

We are spending the next couple of days with Jennie's sister, Carol, and her family. They have often provided us with a restful stop either before we leave the US or on our arrival home. God is good to give us such a wonderful family. This morning Carol made waffles and had everything ready when we awoke from our long awaited sleep. It was a rolling start with the first of our family, Jennie, rising at 8:30 and the last (the boys) being drug out of bed at 10:30. Ben did not want to get up at all!!!!


Daniel McWhirter said...

enjoy your stay at the McWhirter B&B! looking forward too seeing ya'll in a few months.

Asian Hot Happenings said...

so I see you have caved in on the Blog! Great for us to keep up with y'all.
I can;t believe you are in the US again!!! That time has gone so quick.
Have a great time there and we are so happy to see you getting some rest :).
Love and miss you guys.

Shane (for the Elson's)