We all had the privilege of sharing with the good folks at Unity Freewill Baptist Church. Bro. and sister Carney were gracious enough to have us come and share. We started the introduction with singing, "G'day, g'day". The whole group sang "Open Our Eyes, Lord". Hannah played her clarinet
John Furnivall did a poem about David and Goliath

Steve shared about the work in Hervey Bay. The Carney's and their church were the first to support our work in Austalia. They also came out about 1998 to share with our staff and pick up their son Rusty who had been with us for 6 months.

We had a great quartet sing "It is Well".

Neil and Michelle got special recognition for the wedding anniversary.
All the team ended up joining the choir!
After the morning service, they had a lovely lunch for all to share. The team got to try some real southern dishes and experience some southern hospitality and fellowship.
We also had the opportunity to share in the evening service. We shared the one act play, ensemble, and the quartet sang again.
After church, we congregated at Grans (Bro. Carney's mother) for supper. There is a lot of fun at Grans house.